By: SDSN Bolivia
The SDSN Bolivia team with the winners of the Solutions Forum for Sustainable Tourism in Bolivia
5 finalists presented their solutions to a jury to win First, Second, and Third place in the Solutions Forum for Sustainable Tourism in Bolivia.
“The Forum’s objective is promoting sustainable tourism in Bolivia through economic incentives and technical assistance initiatives, and connecting the finalists with institutions interested in financing or investing in the proposals presented,” said Lykke Andersen, Executive Director of SDSN Bolivia.
The Solutions Forum received 21 proposals nationwide, of which 5 finalists were chosen to go on to the final round. On Friday, November 18, the qualifying jury made up of:
- Susana Sottoli, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations system in Bolivia
- Oscar Molina, Pro-Rector/Provost of UPB
- Janette Simbron, Director of Marketing of CANOTUR
- Anabel Ariñez, Project Manager of Social and Cultural Impact of Solydes Foundation
- Javier Benayas of SDSN Spain
announced the three winners of the Forum.
First Place: The Region, a mass outreach initiative of the ecotourism and community tourism projects to contribute to and support the communities of Bolivia.

Doly Leytón,receives the First Place plaque from Oscar Molina.
Second Place: El Alto Tourism, Specialized Tourism with Insect Watching and Bird Watching for the local and student populations.

Diego of Carpio receives the Second Place plaque from Janette Simbron.
Third Place: Colibrí Ecolodge, proposal to replicate the Business Model of Colibrí Ecolodge (Glamping) in different communities at the national level.

The two other finalist solutions were:
“The Cat” Atelier, presented a children’s tourism Guide “Merlina and Mu”: The first children’s tourist guide for families. The first edition is based on La Paz tourism and plans to expand throughout the country.
Cotapata Birding, Nature Tourism, focused on birdwatching and the sustainability of resources in Cotapata.
After the award ceremony, Hierro Brothers was in charge of organizing drinks to promote the exchange between institutions and finalists.

Hierro Brothers was in charge of snacks and cocktails.
The event was closed out by Radio Cutipa, who delighted the attendees with their fusion music.