
Fundación ARU


Address: Av. Arce Nro. 2970, Zona San Jorge, La Paz Bolivia
Phone: 591 2 2004492 – 591 2 2004491
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Paul Mauricio Villarroel Via, Santiago Tommy Tapia Caspa
Contact e-mail: ,


The ARU Foundation is an independent, plural public policy research institute that promotes and produces applied research of high quality to inform and orient the debate about public policies in Bolivia.

Centro Boliviano De Estudios Económicos (CEBEC) de la Cámara de Industria, Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Santa Cruz (CAINCO)


Address: Av. Las Américas 7, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Phone: +591-3-3334555.
Institutional web-site:
Contact persons: Pablo Mendieta and Patricia Hurtado
Contact e-mail:,


CAINCO is the largest business association in Bolivia. It encourages entrepreneurship and public policies for departmental, national and international development. It promotes innovation in the business and social fields.

Centro de Desarrollo Humano y Empleabilidad (CEDHE) de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas Administrativas y Financieras de la Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno


Address:  Ciudad Universitaria de la Av. Busch, entre segundo y tercer anillo. Módulo 244, segundo piso, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Phone:  (+591) 76694294
Institutional web-site:
Contact person:  Christian Andrés Aramayo Arce, Coordinator
Contact e-mail:


The CEDHE promotes sustainable development through a portfolio of opportunities, strengthening soft and hard skills. Promotes and implements SDGs 4, SDG 8 and SDG 17.

Centro para la Participación y el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible (CEPAD)


Address:  Calle Raquel de Busch 69, Barrio Hamacas, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Phone:  (+591-3) 3434192, 3434208
Institutional web-site:
Contact person:  Rubens Barbery Knaudt, President
Contact e-mail:


The Center for Participation and Sustainable Human Development (CEPAD) provides support, assistance and guidance to both the public and the private sector on the topics of human development, economic development and sustainable development.

Conservación Internacional – Bolivia (CI)


Address: Calle 13 #8008, Calacoto, La Paz
Phone: +591.2.2797700
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Eduardo Forno, Director Ejecutivo.
Contact e-mail:


We have been working for 30 years in Bolivia convinced about the importance of protecting the valuable biological diversity of the country for the benefit of the wellbeing of Bolivians. CI-Bolivia promotes sustainable development visualizing a future where societies are committed to protecting nature for their own benefit and for the benefit of all life forms.

Centro de Investigaciones Agrícolas y Agroindustriales (CIAA) / Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB)


Address: Av. Víctor Ustariz, km 6 ½, Zona Santa Rosa, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Phone: +591-4-4268287 (Int. 430)
Contact person: Carmen Carla Quiroga Ledezma, Ph.D., Director
Contact e-mail: :


The Center for Agricultural and Agroindustrial Research (CIAA) at UPB promotes the diversification of agricultural production, introduction of new appropriate techniques of industrial processing, improvement of productivity and competitiveness of high altitude agriculture, greater food security and conservation of biodiversity.

Centro de Investigaciones en Arquitectura y Urbanismo (CIAU) / Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB)


Address: Av. Víctor Ustariz, km 6 ½, Zona Santa Rosa, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Phone: +591-4-4268287 (Int. 532)
Contact person: Juan E. Cabrera, PhD. – Director
Contact e-mail:


The Architecture and Urbanism Research Center was created with the following objectives: Implement, develop, execute and consolidate research projects in the areas of Architecture and Urbanism to help solve the needs of the region and the country in sensitive areas.

Centro de Investigaciones Económicas y Empresariales (CIEE)


Address: Av. Hernando Siles esq. Calle 5 Nro. 5080 – Obrajes (La Paz)
Calle Juan Pablo II S/N Zona Santa Rosa- Colcapirhua (Cochabamba)
Phones: (+591) 2-2170000 Int. 321; 322; 567 (La Paz)
(+591) 4-4268287 Int.  321; 322; 567 (Cochabamba)
(+591) 3-3453055 Int.  321; 322; 567 (Santa Cruz)
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Carlos Foronda, Director
Contact e-mail:


The Centro de Investigaciones Económicas y Empresariales (CIEE), at the Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB), focuses its research activities on topics of applied economics, with emphasis on topics of national and regional interest, giving priority to technical and data-driven analysis.

Centro de Investigaciones Fitoquímicas (CIF) / Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB)


Address: Campus Universitario UPB. Camino Achocalla Km. 3.5, Zona Kañuma, La Paz, Bolivia
Phone: +591-2-216 5700
Contact person: Sandra Ibáñez-Calero, Ph.D., Director
Contact e-mail:


The Phytochemical Research Center (CIF) of UPB is focused on the validation and valuation of plant resources in our territory to provide scientific and technological information to national industry and the society within the framework of sustainable exploitation of these resources.

Centro de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental (CIICA) / Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB)


Address: Av. Víctor Ustariz, km 6 ½, Zona Santa Rosa, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Phone: +591-4-4268287
Contact person: Oliver Saavedra, Ph.D., Director
Contact e-mail:


The Research Center in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIICA) is the research unit of UPB responsible for performing scientific and applied research to contribute to the technological advance of the country and region based on sustainable development.

Centro de Investigaciones de Nuevas Tecnologías Informáticas (CINTI) / Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB)


Address: Av. Víctor Ustariz, km 6 ½, Zona Santa Rosa, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Phone: +591-4-4268287 (Int. 427)
Contact person: Alex Villazón, Ph.D., Director
Contact e-mail:


Develops new computer technologies (e.g. mobile applications, Internet of Things – IoT, Cloud Computing) to implement software systems and embedded computing, applied to health and industrial innovation.

Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas y Energías (CIOE) / Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB)


Address: Av. Capitán Ustariz km 6.5, zona Santa Rosa, casilla 3967, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Phone: +591-4-4268287
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Omar Ormachea, PhD, Director
Contact e-mail:


The Optical and Energy Research Center (CIOE) of Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB) was created in 2007 to carry out applied research in the fields of quantum electronics, redioelectric propagation, optics and photonics, and renewable energy.

Centro de Investigaciones en Procesos Industriales (CIPI) / Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB)


Address: Av.Víctor Ustariz, km 6 ½, Zona Santa Rosa, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Phone: +591-4-4268287
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Ramiro Escalera Vásquez, Ph.D., Director
Contact e-mail:


The CIPI was created in 2004 with the purpose of carrying out technical – scientific studies whose main objective is to improve the competitiveness and productivity of industrial companies in Bolivia, within the framework of ecologically sustainable industrial development.

Centro de Investigaciones Sociales (CIS) de la Vicepresidencia del Estado


Address: Calle Belisario Salinas Nº 296, La Paz, Bolivia
Phone: +591-2-2142000
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Eduardo Paz Gonzales, Director
Contact e-mail:


The Center for Social Research of the Vicepresidency of the Plurinational State of Bolivia has three lines of research (Policy/Government, Theory/History, and Economics/Society) through which it seeks to contribute to a better understanding of historical and contemporary issues within the Bolivian society.

Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF)


Address: Av. Pablo Sánchez Nº 6981, entre calles 1 y 2 de Irpavi, La Paz, Bolivia
Phone: +591-2-2721925
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Alfonso Malky Harb, Latin America Technical Director
Contact e-mail:


CSF is a non-profit organization established in California in 1998. It focuses on environmental conservation using economic tools.

Centro de Planificación y Gestión (CEPLAG – UMSS)


Address: Pasaje Zoológico # 1164 entre Av. Humbolt y Bartolomé de las casas.
Phone: + 591 4 42 44214
Institutional website:
Contact person: María del Carmen Ledo García, Directora del CEPLAG – UMSS
Contact e-mail:


CEPLAG was created in 1999, under the framework of the University Institutional Cooperation (IUC) between the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS), the Inter University Flemish Council of Belgium (Vlaamse interuniversitaire Raad – VLIR) and the Universidad Catholic Church of Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – KULeuven). CEPLAG is a research center belonging to the Faculty of Economic Sciences (FCE) and the Faculty of Architecture and Habitat Sciences of the Universidad Mayor de San Simón. CEPLAG hasa a multidisciplinary research approach in the areas of: Economics and Applied Mathematics, Social Studies, and Space Studies.

Centro de Promoción de Tecnologías Sostenibles (CPTS)


Address: Calle 5, N° 578, Edificio «Q» Business Center-Piso 4, Zona Achumani
Phone: +591-2-2145797; + 591 -2-2145739; +591 2-2770128 Fax +(591-2) 591-2-2770119
Institutional website:
Contact person: Antonio Ruiz Michel, Director Ejecutivo
Contact e-mails:


For more than 20 years, CPTS has worked on issues related to energy efficiency and pollution prevention in different areas of Bolivia’s economy. In addition, it has developed technology, based on the principles of cleaner production. By 2019, CPTS has worked with over 300 businesses.

ENERGETICA Energía Para el Desarrollo


Address: Calle La Paz E-573 entre Antezana y 16 de Julio, Cochabamba, Bolivia | P.O.Box 4964
Phone: Teléfono/Fax: (591) 4-42 53647 / (591) 4-42 53825
Institutional website:
Contacto person: Miguel Fernandez Fuentes, Director
Contact e-mails:  ,


ENERGÉTICA is a civil, private, non-profit development institution that works in the field of sustainable energy on a nation-wide scale in Bolivia. ENERGÉTICA was founded in 1993 reaching 26 years of experience promoting a harmonious development of society by 2019.

Fundación para el Desarrollo del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (FUNDESNAP)


Address: Avenida Ecuador #2131, Edificio LIDEMA piso 2 Sopocachi, La Paz, Bolivia.
Phone: (591 – 2) 2113364 – 24318 5 | Fax: (591 – 2) 2433120
Contact person: Alfonso Blanco López, Presidente del Directorio
Contact emails:,


FUNDESNAP is a Bolivian Foundation that since its creation by a public-private alliance in 2000, seeks to contribute to the strengthening and sustainability of the conservation processes of the country’s broad biodiversity, as an environmental fund specialized in supporting the National System of Protected Areas at the national and sub-national levels. Its mission is to contribute to the development and sustainability of the National System of Protected Areas by raising and managing resources for the implementation of programs, projects and activities, involving different sectors of Bolivian society.

Fundación Jisunú del Desarrollo (JIDESA)


Address: Av. Illimani No. 161. La Paz, Bolivia
Institutional website:
Contact person: Boris Carlos Sahonero Zelada, Director Ejecutivo
Contact e-mails:


The institution focusses on researching the relation between migration and climate change, and on the development of strategic guidelines for municipal disaster and risk management.

Instituto para el Desarrollo del Emprendimiento y la Competitividad (iDEC)


Address: Campus UCB – Bloque G – Av. 14 de Septiembre No. 4807, esq. Calle 2, Obrajes, La Paz, Bolivia
Phones: (591 2) 2786719, (591 2) 2786729, (591 2) 2782965
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Dr. Boris Branisa C., Director of iDEC
Contact e-mails:


iDEC (Institute for the development of entrepreneurship and competitiveness) is the research arm and think tank of ePC (School of Production and Competitiveness) in the promotion of entrepreneurship and competitiveness.

Fundación Innovación en Empresariado Social (IES)


Address: Av. Alexander No. 53, esquina calle 23 de Achumani, La Paz
Telephones: +591-2-2146839 / 2713344 / 2712828.
Web site:
Contact person: Lucía Casanovas, Gerente de Desarrollo Institucional
Contact e-mail:


Fundación Innovación en Empresariado Social (IES) is a private, non-profit foundation convinced that the way to generate value in society is through more and better dynamic enterprises with social impacts. To support that vision, IES provides knowledge, experience and networks for enterprises to gain sustainable access to financing and appropriate knowledge for growth.

Instituto de Investigaciones Socio-Económicas (IISEC)


Address: Av. 14 de Septiembre N° 4836, entre calles 2 y 3, Obrajes, La Paz-Bolivia
Phone: (591-2) 2782222, Interno 2738
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Dra. Fernanda Wanderley, Directora
Contact e-mail:,


The Institute for Socio-Economic Research of the Bolivian Catholic University (IISEC-UCB) is a center of excellence in social and economic research. Its mission is to generate objective, interdisciplinary knowledge about the Bolivian society and economy based on solid empirical evidence, thus contributing to inclusive and sustainable development.

INASET Fundación para la PyME


Address:  Torre CESUR, Piso 6, Of 608, Calle 24 esq. Av Ballivián, Calacoto, La Paz
Phone: (+591) 2 279 9701  –  2 279 7412  –  719 50 500
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Enrique Velazco Reckling, Director Ejecutivo
Contact e-mail:


Address:  Torre CESUR, Piso 6, Of 608, Calle 24 esq. Av Ballivián, Calacoto, La Paz
Phone: (+591) 2 279 9701  –  2 279 7412  –  719 50 500
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Enrique Velazco Reckling, Director Ejecutivo
Contact e-mail:

Fundación INESAD (Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Desarrollo)


Address: Av. Altamirano #6775, Irpavi (entre calles 4 y 5), La Paz
Phone: +591-2-2146069
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Beatriz Muriel, Executive Director
Contact e-mail:


LINESAD Foundation is the leading think tank in Bolivia. Its mission is to generate, disseminate and transfer knowledge to overcome critical obstacles to sustainable socioeconomic development, seeking to influence public policy.

Paitití Lab (PAITITI)


Address:  Calle 6, Bloque 95 #402, Los Pinos, La Paz
Phone: +591 74 66 98 30
Institutional web-site:
Contact person:  Martin Moll, Coordinator
Contact e-mail:


We create partnerships between research, art, practice and entrepreneurial projects to incubate a new equilibrium with life systems. We contribute to the access to innovations and to strengthening value chains, while also embedding climate resilience. The Paitití Project, our main focus, fosters the transition to a sustainable bio-economy in the Amazon.

Protección del Medioambiente Tarija (PROMETA)


Address:  Calle Alejandro del Carpio entre Junin y O’connor Nº 659, Tarija.
Telephone/fax: (591) 46645865 – (591) 46633873
Contact Person:  Rodrigo Ayala, Director Ejecutivo.
Contact E-Mail:


PROMETA was founded 28 years ago in the city of Tarija. In the first stage it was entirely dedicated to the creation of protected areas. In the following years, and until now, it has expanded its action to fields such as integrated water management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, community productive projects, early childhood protection and eco-health. It has its head office in Tarija, Bolivia, an office in La Paz and a presence in the municipality of Villamontes. It has 26 people working as staff and consultants. It has developed projects in all departments of the country.

Pro Mujer


Address: Hernando Siles avenue  N° 3856 between 12 and 13 street, Obrajes


Telephone/fax: (591) 22114914   

Contact Person: 

María Cecilia Campero Iturralde, Country Representative



Pro Mujer, Inc., a non-profit organization, has been empowering women for more than 32 years through health and well-being services, human development, training, and prevention of gender-based violence. This holistic intervention model reaches more than 130,000 people per year in Bolivia.

Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia


Address:   Achachicala Avda. Chacaltaya N. 1258 (Plaza Don Bosco), La Paz
Telephone: +591 22305210 / 22305252 / 22305861 / 22305844
Contact Person: Willy W. Chambi, Planning and Evaluation Director
Contact E-Mail:


The Salesian University of Bolivia (USB) is dedicated to offering people with social and economic disadvantages access to higher education. USB currently has a main campus in the Achachicala neighbourhood of La Paz, as well as five secondary campuses in smaller cities around the country. Founded in 1998, it currently hosts more than 7000 undergraduate students and 1000 postgraduate students. 72% of undergraduate students are first generation students; neither parent received higher education.

Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (UPSA)


Address: Av. Paraguá y 4to. Anillo, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
Phone: 591 3 3464000
Person of contact: Sergio Daga, Vicerrector


The Private University Foundation of Santa Cruz de la Sierra – UPSA, created in 1984 by the Chamber of Industry, Commerce, Services and Tourism of Santa Cruz (CAINCO), is a non-profit civil institution of private law dedicated to higher education, which cultivates freedom of thought, opinion and expression within the highest standards of self-improvement and the pursuit of excellence. Its fundamental purpose is to develop training, research and extension programs based on truth, goodness and integrity of man, society and nature as a whole.

Universidad Amazónica de Pando (UAP)


Address: Av. 20 de Octubre (entre Aspiazu y J.J. Pérez) Edif. 2034 – Of. 204
Phone: (591-3) 842 2135 – 842 2136 – 842 2193
Institutional web-site:
Contact person: Marliz Arteaga Gómez–García, Docente Investigador Asociado
Contact e-mail:


The Amazon University of Pando, was created by Supreme Decree No. 20511 of September 21, 1984 and sanctioned by National Law No. 653 of October 18, 1984. The Organic Statute of the UAP was approved at the VI National Conference of Universities in October 1997 and by the National Congress of Universities in May 1999, both events held in the city of Trinidad – Beni.

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Bolivia


Address:  Calle Gabino Villanueva #340, entre las calles 24 y 25 de Calacoto, La Paz
Phone: +591 (2) 2117969/2126905
Institutional web-site:
Contact person:  Ph.D. Lilian Painter, Bolivia Program Director
Contact e-mail:


The activities of WCS Bolivia are concentrated in the Great Madidi Landscape, with important scientific advances and experiences in conservation, territorial management, sustainable management of natural resources and communication.