By: SDSN Bolivia
In November 2021, the agreement was signed for the project “Tourism as an Engine of Gender-Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Bolivia”, funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC-CRDI) and with a team comprised of Fundación IES and SDSN Bolivia.
The project will provide empirical evidence to guide public and private investment in the tourism sector and promote tourism as a key driver of gender-inclusive and sustainable development in Bolivia. The research will explore the potential of the tourism sector for a low-carbon and more inclusive development model for Bolivia. It will delve into how this alternative economic activity can become viable and scalable; identify key private and public stakeholders; and explore what specific actions should be taken to promote this transition. It will test and explore the impacts of various interventions on women-led enterprises in the sector, on the surrounding communities and on the environment.
The project is currently under implementation.